Hi everyone, I finally made a site for my designs!
I wanted to tell you a bit about how I ended up here:
I have a book blog, I've had it for two years, and you know how it's always hard to find just the perfect design. So I started playing around with my layout's HTML. Then I discovered the beauty of digital scrapbooking.
And after a while, I had a new layout, made by me!
I'm not a graphic designer (although I thought about becoming one for a while, but decided to study Film), but I can use Photoshop CS4, and I'm slowly learning my way through Illustrator CS4. (This site's graphics were made in AI). If by some miracle, you decide you'd like me to design your blog, we'll talk about what you want, and I might make the graphics for you. I won't be working with Scrapbooking Kits yet.
I'm still in the process of making my design portfolio. I have a bunch of layouts to make!
I hope I can have some freebies in the future, and a lot of new things, so keep coming back!
*Pricing coming soon!*
*Pricing coming soon!*
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